“Junk Science” challenge: Save cardboard boxes and cardboard tubes of all
sizes, along with string, rubber bands, lids, paper clips, yogurt cups, and so on.
Then challenge children to collaborate on a project.
Made up games: Make a list of all the games you can make with the box. Card
games? Board games? Yes, please! Cut-out and decorate unique playing cards.
Draw the spaces on your board and create original game pieces. Invite some
friends over and let the games begin!
Makeshift canvas: Let your children channel their inner artist with cardboard
as their canvas. Frame accordingly.
Maze: You will need lots of boxes, imagination and time to create a masterpiece
to crawl-through!
Pinhole camera: Create that vintage photo look by capturing your digital images
through a small pinhole punctured in a cardboard box. Hold the pin-hole up to
the camera lens and viola—unusual, unforgettable photographs.
Memory-keeper: An old shoebox is perfect for letters or small treasures that are
dear to your heart.
Play structures: An unaltered box is sufficient to keep children busy for hours.
Sheets of flat cardboard can be used as “building sheets” and cardboard tubes
can be used for supports. A spaceship? A submarine? An airplane? Endless
Sled: A flattened box makes a great on-the-spot sled!
Pizza making: A fun activity using cardboard, colored paper and other supplies
around your home. The cardboard serves as the “crust” while you pile it high with
eye-catching “toppings”.
Makeshift car: Despite having no batteries, no steering and no wheels, you will
be absolutely delighted pretending in your cardboard car!
Box City or Village: Create the city or little village of your dreams made from
cardboard boxes! Use paint, sharpies, clear vinyl, ribbon, scraps of paper and pack-
aging to make windows, doors, chimneys and much more on your block houses.
Oversized blocks: Small boxes are great as disposable toy blocks.
“Bring Your Own Box” party: Host a party in which guests are invited to show
up with cardboard boxes of all sizes. Supply masking tape, duct tape, markers,
paint and plenty of room for creations!
Hideout: Draw on the outside of a large box (stove and refrigerator boxes work
perfectly) and decorate the inside any way you like. A great spot to take a nap
or read a book!
Turn the cardboard box into the best toy ever! Whether you’re
breaking them down or taping them back together, cardboard
boxes are all around us.
The list below provides 30 ways to reinterpret, reinvent, and
reuse cardboard boxes either temporarily or permanently. Find
an empty box, fill it with imagination and think inside the box!
to use a
Open through May 5, 2013