Budget Planner
gregory pennington
Gregory Pennington
If you’re thinking about entering a debt management plan or another solution, use this budget
planner to work out how much you can afford to pay each month.
If you’re having any trouble filling out your budget plan, don’t worry - our advisers will be
happy to talk you through it. Just call us on 0161 669 8925.
How to use the budget planner
A. Monthly Income
Enter all your income, including ant benefits or tax credits, and add up the total.
B. Everyday living costs and priority bills
Write down how much you spend on your essential living costs, but don’t include your
unsecured debts just yet.
C. Priority debt arrears
If you’re in arrears on any priority debts (e.g. your mortgage), enter them here.
D. Money for unsecured debts
Now work out how much you ca afford to pay towards your unsecured debts by using the totals
from sections A, B and C.
A - B - C = D (Money available to pay unsecured debts)
e.g. £1,200 - £800 - £200 = £200
E. Unsecured debts
Write down all your unsecured debt repayments in full and add up the total.
If this is higher than your money for unsecured debts (section D), your debts
are unaffordable. If so, talk to us about what help is available.
If you think you need help with your debts, call us on 0161 669 8925.