Promotional information is sent by e-mail. The conference chair needs to send a "blurb" to Diane Matteson
[email protected]) and we will send them out to the regi
on members from our office. Planning ahead
will help with
timing to enhance participation without overloading the members with e-mails.
1. Save the DATE and tentative At-A-Glance Scheule for Regional Conference
2. Call For Presentation Proposals is NOW OPEN
3. Call for Proposals Due Date Reminder, Registration fee set, Keynote speaker
4. Call for Proposal/ Readers/ Volunteers
5. Early Discount Date Approaching
6. Sent when sessions and schedule have been updated on web such as
*Pre-conferences added to the Registration form & descriptions on web -
*Conference Session descriptions have been added to web page.
8. General Announcement Special Events SERVICE PROJECT AT REGIONAL CONFERENCE
9. FINAL CONFIRMATIONS Sent one to two weeks before Conference to Registered participants only
1. Save the DATE and Schedule Basics for Regional Conference
Save the Date and join us for the Region ___ Conference
Hotel, City, State/Province
Call for proposals will be open ____
Registration Information will be available on the _____WEBSITE in November…
Tentative Schedule:
Registration will begin at 11 a.m. Monday, DATE.
Preconferences will be held from 12:30-5:00 p.m.
NACADA Orientation for First Time Attendees will be from 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Welcome and Keynote and Reception will begin at 6:15 p.m.
Tuesday morning breakfast and sessions will begin at 8:00 a.m.
The conference will end on Wednesday _______ at 1:15 following the closing session
Plan to participate! We would love to have you join us!