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Engineering & Facilities Policy
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Reporting to work each scheduled shift on time is an expectation for continued employment.
Employees should arrive sufficiently before the start of their shift to take care of personal matters
before clocking in (swiping in on the KRONOS system) for work. Employees may swipe in up to
seven and one half (71/2) minutes before the beginning of the work shift and should swipe out
between the end of the shift and seven and one half (71/2) minutes after the conclusion of the shift,
as it is not feasible for all employees to use the clock at the same time. Employees must still begin
work at the actual start time and end work at the actual end time. Clocking in earlier and clocking out
later may constitute unauthorized overtime. All overtime must be approved in advance, except in
emergency situations. See HR Policy #29 for additional information on Time and Attendance.
Tardy (late for work) for hourly employees is defined as clocking in after the designated start time of
an employee’s assigned work shift. For example, if a shift starts at 7:30 AM, clocking in at 7:31 AM
or later is considered tardy. If a shift starts at 11:30 PM, clocking in at 11:31 PM or later is
considered tardy. Note: Payroll rounds 7 ½ minutes for pay purposes. Unplanned tardiness may not
be covered by accrued annual leave, comp time or sick leave, and may not be made up by working
past the normal shift end time.
Tardiness and unscheduled absences require prompt notification by telephone to Engineering and
Facilities through the Service Call Operator at 792-4119. All 4119 calls are tape recorded in the
service center. Employees must call one hour prior to the beginning of their shift. Failure to make
this telephone contact or to call-in appropriately for an unanticipated absence may result in an
unexcused absence. The following information is required when calling in at 792-4119:
1. Your name / Employee Number.
2. Your shop or work area.
3. Supervisor’s name.
4. Brief reason for:
a. Tardiness and expected time of arrival for work;
b. Absence and expected length of absence;
Employees must call in every day of absence unless on continuous FMLA, with a
written statement on file stating the length of illness.
c. Employees on intermittent FMLA are required to call in daily, for each occurrence of
Note: The person taking your call will only take a message. He/she is not authorized to
approve annual or sick leave.
5. In some cases, shop foremen and supervisors also require a call in order to coordinate
ongoing work, scheduling around your absence, etc. The immediate supervisor is
responsible for ensuring this requirement is communicated to staff in their respective areas.
Calling in and stating that you are using annual leave or a holiday/comp day off is not acceptable and may
result in no pay and/or possible disciplinary action. Annual leave accrued comp time and scheduled sick
leave requests are to be made in advance and approved by your supervisor.

The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed. | Henry Ford