Guidelines for Claimant’s Practitioner
InjuriesBoard.ie is an independent Statutory Body. Our objective is to ensure
that people claiming for injuries sustained in an accident have their
compensation assessed quickly and fairly, without unnecessary litigation
The Claimant must submit a report from their treating Practitioner for us to
assess their claim. Please note a copy of the medical report will be passed to
the Respondent/s (the person/s against whom the claim is being made) and
their insurers where known, in order that they may know the nature and extent
of the claim. As a result the medical report should only contain medical
history relevant to the claim being made.
We have undertaken to have the majority of claims assessed within nine
months of submission and with this time frame in mind, it is vital that your
report adheres to the following guidelines: clear, concise and gives, as far as
is possible, a final prognosis and likely recovery period.
Reports should
Be submitted in a standard format as per the attached template
Be as clear and concise as possible
Contain an Opinion/Prognosis and your view on the likely
recovery time for the Claimant’s injuries to resolve. If a full
recovery is unlikely, outline the residual symptoms likely to be
suffered by the Claimant and what effect these will have on their
Include relevant details of the Claimant’s medical and accident
history and advise whether the accident has exacerbated any
pre-existing symptoms/injury
Where a final prognosis is not currently available we will arrange an up to date
examination of the claimant.
If the claim proceeds to assessment, the Claimant will be awarded the
reasonable and necessary cost of this medical report. Failure to furnish an
adequate report may result, in exceptional cases, in this amount not being