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Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service
Reference Check Form
Name of volunteer applicant:
Name of reference:
Telephone number:
I. Introductory Comments
Briefly cover the following in requesting that the reference consent to the discussion of the applicant:
Your name
Name of agency
Applicant requested that we call you to verify some information
Applicant has given permission for them to provide full and honest information
Conversation will take about 10 minutes and can be done at their convenience
Information given will be kept confidential
II. Reference Check Questions
1. How long and in what capacity have you know the applicant?
2. How would you describe the applicant? What three words would you use if you were giving a
thumbnail sketch?
3. In general, how does the applicant get along with people?
4. How would you describe the applicant’s ability to get along with (client group)?
5. What would you describe as the primary positive skills and traits of the applicant?
6. What would you describe as negative traits or areas of weakness?
7. How comfortable would you be in having the applicant work for you on an important project?
8. The volunteer opportunity the applicant is being considered for is .
What do you think the applicant would be good at and not so good at in performing in that capacity?
9. Is there anything else you can tell us that might help us reach a good decision?

People don’t believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. | Seth Godin