HTML Preview Event Management Process Flow Chart page number 1.

Event Search- Search for
the event name that you
Event Setup
are interested in. Manage event information-
adding new, editing, and
Yes copying information from Add as many coordinators as
Has the event been existing events. needed. Only one can be the primary.
set-up in the system?
Add Tasks- jobs required Add Coordinators- staff members
Tasks/Coordinators in preparation for or committees that oversee
No an event. an event.
Add registration information about
Edit and make changes
Event Configuration Registrations constituents registered for the event.
AND/OR to the existing registration
In the Events functional area
click "add new" and choose
event or multi-level event and
Add speakers associated with the event and
add the necessary information. Speakers information about their presentations such
See Exhibits A and B below. as topic and scheduled date/time.
Multi-Level Events-
Single Events- Enter Screen
Add Expenses- debts your organization Copy Expenses from an
Enter Screen
Exhibit B
incurs or plans to incur when you host
existing event.
Exhibit A an event such as catering costs.
Add Registration Options- specific options Add Registration Packages- for larger multi-
Add Preferences- capture event
Options that you define for each registration level events. Packages combine registration preference information such as
type included in the event. options from each of the supporting events. T-shirt size or meal preferences.
Invitations Create the Invitation Add Invitees to the Invitation Run the Invitation Process
Record Invitee Responses
Add Notes- any information Add Media Links such
Add Attachments- any type
you want to include about
as a URL link. of attachment that pertains
the event. to the event.
Lodging Options Lodging location search.
Add lodging options to the
Yes event. These are the facilities
where your registrants stay
Is the lodging location when they travel to the event.
Attributes set-up in the system?
Add the location, information,
and room types to the system.
Add attribute- supplemental,
trackable information important
to your organization.
Copy Attributes
from an existing OR No Attributes match
event. my needs.
Contact the IT dept @
to request that a new attribute be created.
Events Management
Flow Chart

You are not your resume, you are your work. | Seth Godin