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Company / Policy Statements / Company Safety Policy June 12
1 of 13 Rowlinson Constructions Limited
1. The Company shall take all reasonable measures to ensure the safety, health and welfare at work of
all employees in fulfilment of its moral, legal and economic responsibilities. These measures will
also be aimed at protecting others who may be affected by our day to day work activities.
2. It is a function of management to provide the right circumstances under which work may be carried
out safely. However, all employees must be aware that they have a legal duty, not only to work in a
safe manner, but also to co-operate in efforts made to create safe working conditions.
3. The Managing Director is responsible for safety throughout the Company. Contracts Management
and Site Supervision are responsible to the Board of Directors for safety throughout the Company.
4. Each Supervisor is responsible for implementing the Company Safety Policy and for complying with
legal requirements at his place of work and setting a personal example. Site Supervisors are also
appointed as Safety Supervisors for the purpose of the Construction (General Provisions)
Regulations 1961.
5. Every employee is expected to be involved in safety matters and report any unsafe equipment or
dangerous situation to their respective Supervisor.
6. Subcontractors are advised before orders are placed, and suppliers of materials and plant at the
time of the order, of the need to comply with the Company Safety Policy. Supervisors are to ensure
that all work is carried out safely using approved methods, equipment and materials.
7. The Company is a member of Construction Safety Services (NW) Limited who provides a service to
sites by making frequent inspection visits to provide technical advice on safety and health. Reports
are submitted regularly to the Managing Director.
8. The Company will make provision for such information, instruction, training and supervision as is
necessary to ensure, so far is reasonably practical, the health and safety at work of its employees.
9. The Company will make provision for adequate communication and advisory facilities.
10. The Company will appoint a CDM Co-ordinator and/or Principal Contractor as required under the
Construction (Design and Management) Regulation and implement their requirements as necessary.
11. The Company has a good health and safety record and the co-ordination of every employee is
necessary to ensure that standards are maintained or improved wherever possible.
12. Workplace monitoring is undertaken in the form of health and safety inspections. These will be
undertaken by our appointed health and safety advisors. The frequency of the inspections shall be
commensurate with the level of risk.
13. The Company health and safety management systems and policy will be audited annually or after an
event that may indicate that the policy is no longer suitable or sufficient.
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Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid | Einstein