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c o v e r l e t t e r s
tHe BAsIc ForMAt
j o s e p h m e y e r h o f f c e n t e r f o r c a r e e r d e v e l o p m e n t
*Use heading from your resume
to include your contact information*
Contact Person (Mr., Mrs., or Ms.)
Company Name
City, State, Zip
(Country if applicable)
Dear (Mr., Mrs., or Ms.), Whenever possible, the cover letter should be directed to a specific person. This
improves the chances of your materials being reviewed by the proper person or committee. Research on the
organizations website or call to determine this information. Avoid using “To Whom it May Concern,” and use
Hiring Manager or Selection Committee instead.
OPENING PARAGRAPH- The Introduction: Introduce yourself and identify why you are contacting them. If
you are a student, include your department, year in school and MICAs name. In this first introduction, you want
to write Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), and then use the shortened version for the rest of the letter.
Explain where you found out about the opportunity (on MICAnetwork, the organizations website, job search
website, magazine, etc.), and if you have been referred to this contact by another individual, identify him or her in
this paragraph.
SECOND PARAGRAPH - What You Know About Them: This may seem silly, but the employer will be
impressed that you have done your homework about them. Research the company using their website and take
notes of projects or ideals that you are impressed with. Mention a few examples of and share why you see yourself
fitting in at their company. Of all of the jobs out there, why do you want to work for them?
THIRD PARAGRAPH - Your Contribution: Highlight the relevant parts of your resume that most qualify you
for the position. Site specific experiences and skills that demonstrate what you will be bringing to the employer.
Why are you the best person for the job? What unique strengths do you have and how can they be utilized? Share
what you will learn from the experience, and how this would be a great next step in your career. Remember, this is
not the time to restate your entire resume, just connect yourself in a meaningful way to the organization with what
you can bring.
FINAL PARAGRAPH - The Connection: Close your letter by thanking the prospective employer for their time
and consideration. Use the employer’s name again and reiterate your enthusiasm for working for them. Indicate
what will happen next, stating you will follow up on the receipt of your materials and explore whether an interview
can be arranged at that time. Let them know the best way to get in touch with you. Include your website if you
would like to direct them to your online portfolio. If your search is long distance, indicate when you will visit the
area. If you plan to relocate or if you are best reached at certain days/times, this is the place to say so. Remember,
do whatever you say you are going to do here, mark it on your calendar and follow up!
Your name (typed)
Maryland Institute College Of Art - Joseph Meyerhoff Center for Career Development
410-225-2420 - f 410-225-2528 - - -
The cover letter works together with your resume to introduce
‘you’ to potential employers. Maintain a consistent look with your
resume and cover letter by repeating the heading layout from your
resume. Your name and contact information should be exactly
the same. The letter should be written in business format and no
longer than 1 page, and should serve as the starting point for a
phone conversation or in-person interview.

There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them. | Seth Godin