Instructor's Name: Department / Division:
Campus Phone: Faculty email:
Course: Student email:
Student's Name: Student I.D. No:
Type of academic dishonesty:
___ Cheating
(the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, unauthorized copying or collaboration)
___ Fabrication (intentional misrepresentation or invention of any information)
___ Plagiarism (the use of another's words, ideas, data, or product without appropriate acknowledgement)
___ Collusion
(assisting another to commit an act of academic dishonesty)
___ Academic Misconduct (grade tampering, fraud, misrepresentation, obtaining or distributing any part of a test)
___ Other:
Summary of the incident (include date, time, and place):
Student's explanation (admission of guilt, denial, comments, etc.):
Instructor's action / recommendation for further action:
Instructor's signature and date:
Student's signature acknowledging this report and the opportunity to review procedures:
(If student is unavailable or unwilling to sign, note how this report was communicated to student.)
Student's signature and date:
Action taken: (to be completed by Division Dean)
___ Disciplinary admonition and warning [by faculty member]
___ Academic penalty on assignment [by faculty member]
___ Assignment of a lower or failing grade for the course [by faculty member/Division Dean]
___ Disciplinary probation for _____ academic terms [by Dean of Student Development]
___ Suspension from Portland Community College for _____ academic terms [by Dean of Student Development]
___ Expulsion from Portland Community College [by Dean of Student Development]
___ Other:
Signature of Division Dean and Date:
Please file this completed form in the Division Office and forward copies to the campus Dean of Student Development and
the campus Dean of Instruction.
rev. 2/04 03013