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Safety Meeting Agenda
Safety and Environmental Management System
SEMS 2-10
Page 1 of 2
Most required safety refresher training, safety alerts and news to the field are passed along
to employees through “on site” safety meetings. This helps us to comply with our internal
goals, as well as customer and governmental expectations.
SONOCO uses the Safety Meeting Agenda Form to satisfy this requirement.
It is very important that all information on the meeting is provided in a complete and clear
manner so that anyone reading the document is aware of what happened during the meeting.
We will briefly discuss what type of information is required on the form and why.
Customer/Job location: This is your location; it is needed to track what locations are
covering what topics. This also helps identify who may not have received time critical
information that needs to be discussed.
Date: Enter date for when the meeting took place.
Safety Topic: Several things can be listed here. Be sure to include all items being discussed.
Safety Topics, titles of safety alerts, reviews of recent accidents or just a description of the
safety meeting discussion can be listed. This just gives the reader a clear idea of what went
on in the meeting.
Old Business: This area covers information on follow ups from previous meetings. If there
was discussion and you were waiting on an answer from the customer or office, updates
should be listed here.
Inspection Reports: This area is to list what reports are reviewed if applicable. Any
inspections from SONOCO, Customer Reps, Government agencies, etc. will be discussed in
this section.
New Business: If anyone has new information to discuss or recommend, it is listed here.
Once answers are gathered on it, this info will be covered in the next meeting under the old
business section.
Personnel Present: List everyone who attended the meeting. This is very important to make
sure all crew members have covered a safety topic, and have been told about accidents or
policy changes. Every employee is to print and sign their name, and list their job title. Non-
SONOCO employees in attendance are encouraged to sign in as well.
This sheet also asks you to log in the time the meeting started/ended to ensure enough time
was allotted for the topics discussed.
The person giving the meeting and their job title is requested in case they need to be
contacted for questions.
JSA: JSA information is provided to register what JSA was discussed during the meeting as
required by SONOCO safety policy.
Finally, the customer rep signs and dates the paperwork so that they are aware that
SONOCO personnel are holding safety meetings and are informed of the topics being
covered as well as who is attending them.

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