HTML Preview Household Grocery Inventory page number 1.

Desciption of Property Type Room Age Qty Total cost % Value Dep Value
Baskets org housewares Bath 2 2 15 30 0.75 23
Bath pillow housewares Bath 2 2 15 30 0.75 23
Bath toys housewares Bath 2 1 30 30 0.75 23
Bowl Brush housewares Bath 2 1 5 5 0.75 4
Combs housewares Bath 2 6 2 12 0.75 9
Cup dispenser and cups housewares Bath 2 1 10 10 0.75 8
Curlers, sets of 6 housewares Bath 2 2 12 24 0.75 18
Digital scale housewares Bath 2 3.0 1 30 30 0.70 21
Fish picture housewares Bath 2 1 35 35 0.85 30
Hair accessories A housewares Bath 2 1 50 50 0.75 38
Hair brushes housewares Bath 2 4 7 28 0.75 21
Heart basket housewares Bath 2 1 15 15 0.75 11
Mirror hand housewares Bath 2 2 6 12 0.75 9
Plunger housewares Bath 2 1 5 5 0.75 4
Self stick decorations housewares Bath 2 2 15 30 0.75 23
Shower rings sets housewares Bath 2 2 15 30 0.75 23
Toilet paper housewares Bath 2 10 0.5 5 0.75 4
Toothbrush holder housewares Bath 2 2 10 20 0.75 15
Toothbrushes spare housewares Bath 2 10 3 30 0.75 23
Waste basket housewares Bath 2 1 10 10 0.75 8
Wicker organizers set of 3 housewares Bath 2 1 15 15 0.75 11
Shower curtain and rod housewares Bath 2 1 25 25 0.75 19
Fish clock housewares Bath 2 1 25 25 0.75 19
Shampoo organizer housewares Bath 2 1 25 25 0.75 19
Bath mat housewares Bath 2 1 20 20 0.75 15
Throw rugs housewares Bath 2 3 20 60 0.75 45
Hair dryer housewares Bath 2 2 20 40 0.75 30
Body wash personal Bath 2 2 6 12 0.75 9
Conditioner personal Bath 2 2 10 20 0.75 15
Detangler personal Bath 2 2 9 18 0.75 14
Hairspray personal Bath 2 2 6 12 0.75 9
Mousse personal Bath 2 2 6 12 0.75 9
Nail clippers personal Bath 2 10 2 20 0.75 15
Shampoo personal Bath 2 3 7 21 0.75 16
Spray in conditioner personal Bath 2 1 7 7 0.75 5
Sunscreen personal Bath 2 0.8 7 10 70 0.80 56
step stool furniture Bath 3 1 15 15 0.75 11
Throw rugs housewares Bath 3 2 20 40 0.75 30
Toiletries housewares Bath 3 1 30 30 0.75 23
Pictures housewares Bath 3 1 30 30 0.60 18
Towels linen Bath 3 1 30 30 0.60 18
music box toys Bdrm 1 1 25 25 0.75 19
Hair wrapping system accessories Bdrm 1 1.0 1 35 35 0.75 26
Books - softcover books Bdrm 1 3.0 50 8 400 0.85 340

Are you a serial idea–starting person? The goal is to be an idea–shipping person. | Seth Godin