HTML Preview Visioningworkshop Agenda page number 1.

PURPOSE: To capture the views of the Ivinghoe NDP Steering Group members on the
issues currently facing the community within the Ivinghoe Parish, the desired state of the
parish in 2031, the required developments to achieve this vision for the parish by the end
of the plan period and the aspirational words to describe the parish at the end of the plan
period .
PLANNED OUTCOME: The Workshop is intended to produce a pencil-sketch from which
the activities required to achieve the NDP can be identified and actions defined. By going
through this process, the key words for the NDP's Vision Statement will be identified and
captured in a short sentence of no more than 15-20 words. These should describe what
our parish should look like in 2031 and thus what land use challenges need to be
addressed over the intervening period.
Attendees: Members of the Ivinghoe NDP Steering Group
Representatives of the Ivinghoe Parish Council
1. Introduction
Affirm objectives for the workshop
Run through the format for the session
2. The parish today
Planning context and constraints
How parish operates and connects with its neighbours
Distinct settlements within parish notably Ivinghoe & Ivinghoe Aston
Community views: likes/dislikes, planning history, current planned
developments, issues
3. Development needs
Identified sites for development
Meeting local housing needs
Meeting Retail and Business development needs
Improving community facilities and services
Protecting conservation/green spaces
Vision, objectives and land use policies
What should the parish (its separate settlements and surrounding areas) look
like in 2031 the vision?
What are the required key objectives to pursue to achieve the vision?
What types of land use planning policies are needed to achieve the
5. Planning the required activities
Vision Statement
Task groups and leaders
Community engagement activities
Co-ordinated project planning
Draft Plan
January 2015

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