Incoming Grade 3
Summer Reading List
and Assignment
Select one of the books for your summer reading and complete the Summer Reading
Activity. Your teacher will collect the assignment the first week of school.
Each book in the list is the first book in series, so after you read your book,
you can read other books in the series.
The Green School Mystery by Cam Jensen by David Adler
Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid by Megan McDonald
Judy Moody Was in a Mood by Megan McDonald
Nate the Great by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat
Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus by Barbara Park
Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown
Incoming Grade 3 Summer Reading Activity
1. Use notebook paper for this question.
Write the title and author of the book you read. Would you tell a friend
to read this book? Why or why not?
You MUST give 2 or 3 reasons, and you MUST give specific examples
from the book. For example, if you would tell a friend to read the book
because there are funny parts, tell about a funny part and also write
the page number of the funny part.
2. Use the Venn diagram. Compare yourself to a character in the
book. How are you like and not like the character?