Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information
Date of Birth: July 8, 1952
Address: Graduate School of Public Health
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA 92182
Phone: voice: (619) 594-8940
fax: (619) 594-0351
Postdoctoral Fellowship School of Hygiene and Public Health
The Johns Hopkins University
Ph.D. (Economics) The Johns Hopkins University, 1983.
M.A. (Economics) The Johns Hopkins University, 1977.
B.A. (Economics) San Diego State University, 1974.
Teaching and Research Interests
Health Economics
Public Health Practice and Workforce Development
Integration and Utilization of Physical and Behavioral Health Services for Indigent Populations
Evaluation and Diffusion of Health Information Technology
Distance Learning for Academic and Continuing Education Programs
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Health Programs
Hospital Reimbursement, Performance, and Uncompensated Care