Formal complaint letter template
Put your complaint in writing to the lawyer or law firm concerned. Clearly write ‘Formal
complaint’ at the top of your letter and keep a copy (see the example we have suggested
in the letter template below). Keep copies of everything, including any replies you get.
Name of the person you are writing to
Name of the law firm
Building number and street name
Your name
House/ flat/ building number and street name
Your telephone number
Today’s date
Formal complaint against [name of lawyer or law firm]
Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms [name of the law firm contact]
I am writing to make a formal complaint against [name of lawyer]. My complaint is that
they failed to provide me with a satisfactory service when …
• describe what the lawyer had been hired to do for you [for example dealing with the
sale or purchase of a house]
• say when this was [give the date or dates when the problem occurred].
My complaint is that [list what you think went wrong or wasn’t done properly. Be as clear
as you can. It can help to make it short and to the point]…
continued on next page