SFN 14095 (R. 7-15)
Job Service North Dakota will help you develop a training program. As an employer, you are paid for
training costs up to 50 percent of the trainee’s wage. You receive this payment each month after you
submit an invoice. There is a minimum amount of record keeping. At the end of the training program,
you know you have a well-trained worker because you trained that worker yourself. Important: The
employee may not begin working prior to negotiation of the On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program contract
and required signatures have been obtained. Failure to comply with this will nullify the contract and may
result in legal action against your business.
Mailing Address (if different than above)
Training Program Position Title
Federal Tax Identification Number
Number of Full-Time Employees
Please check the box(es) that apply to your agency or business:
Nonprofit Organization
How many hours per week will the trainee work?
What is the business product or service?
Number of Positions Requested
Proposed Starting Wage per Hour
Proposed Wage at End of Training
List major job duties and / or areas in which the employee will receive training. List the most important
duties (up to a maximum of seven). Also list the approximate percentage of the trainee’s time needed to
learn each job duty.