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Agenda Subject to Change
Meeting Location: Wilton Town Hall Courtroom
October 19, 2016 @ 7:30 PM
Board Membership: Chair Jeff Kandt, Vice Chair Sara Spittel, Alec
MacMartin, Matt Fish, Neil Faiman, Tracey Ewing, Alternate Bart Hunter,
Board of Selectmen Representative Kermit Williams
NRPC Representative Stephen Meno, and Clerk Elizabeth Morison.
Call to Order
Review Minutes 8-17-16
Review Minutes 9-21-16
Review Minutes 10-5-16
Continued Case: Eversource Tree Trimming on town scenic roads -
Eversource is planning to remove trees and brush adjacent to and
beneath most of its power line within the town of Wilton. According to
Eversource records, show that Heald Rd, Kimball Hill Rd, King
Brook Rd, Russell Hill Rd, Sand Hill Rd, Wilson Road have been
designated as scenic roads by the town. Please consider this letter to
be a request from Eversource for a public hearing for the trimming
and removal of trees on these and any other scenic roads within the
proposed work area pursuant to RSA 231:158.
Continued Case: PB SP02 0816 Benoit Mr. Benoit of Wilton Attic
Finds (J-58) would like to expand into the lower level of the current
business facility. (Conditionally Approved on 9/21/2016)
Continued Case: PB-SD05-0816 Haithcock An application by John
Haithcock to subdivide the H-94 into two residential lots on Mason
Road. The zoning of the lot is Residential and Agricultural and the lot
is outside the Wellhead Protection Area. The current lot is 4.778
acres and the proposed lots would be H-94-1 = 2.573 acres and H-
94-2= 2.204 acres.

If you would like to know the value of money, try to borrow some. | Benjamin Franklin