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Report on feedback to Communication/Media event
CSO pre-meeting SACOSAN IV
I am very happy to share the outcomes of the consultation with the
communications/media team members that worked together in SACOSAN IV. I am
borrowing words from my colleagues to describe the process, achievements and
follow up actions and recommendations.
The team strongly felt that the message of SACOSAN IV need to be taken further to
the grassroots, which can be done by holding local level meetings and disseminating
and sharing the information. This way we will be able to percolate the message down
to the communities and get their actions. The next important suggestion is to
maintain the momentum. Often people go silent after a big event and any activity
starts only before the next big event or on any special day. So we need to evolve
ways to keep the momentum. What can be those ways we all need to ponder over
The members of the team are committed to the cause and can work for it. This is up
to all of us how the FANSA utilizes our strength and abilities.
Success factors:
Right from beginning of organizing the SACOSAN IV,
1. Full cooperation of the Sri Lankan government
2. Collaboration of government agencies and the CSOs
3. A well organized agenda in advance
Several media conference prior to this event to make the media aware about the
importance of this event and the sanitation issues in Sri Lanka and respective
FANSA member countries
Participation of the journalists from the FANSA member countries and the media
reporting from Sri Lanka
6. Online presence
7. Strength of Center for Environmental Justice (the host) in media coordination
During the pre SACOSAN IV, the "media stunt" played an important role in reflecting
the theme of the SACOSAN and most of the local media institutions had used the
"toilet queue" as to mark SACOSAN IV, which is a big achievement from our side.
Apart from that, the banners and hoarding displayed by us and several other
organizations, made an impact in bringing out the theme of SACOSAN in a very
strategic way.

I don’t pay good wages because I have a lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages. | Robert Bosch