HTML Preview Blank Invoice For Service page number 1.

Maersk Line Belgium
Invoice Service
1) Company name or customer
code(available on your invoice):
2) Please provide email address where
invoices are to be sent to:
If split needed, please specify:
Email address for Import invoices:
Email address for Export invoice:
Email address for Demurrage /
Detention invoices:
3) Would you like consolidated
distribution? (Yes/No)
Consolidated = 1 email with 1 PDF with
all invoices
Not consolidated = 1 email with 1 PDF
per invoice
4) Would you still also like to receive
original invoices via post? (Yes/No)
5) Your signature
6) Would you like to receive confirmation
when your request is completed?
(in case yes – please advise e-mail

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. | Charles Darwin