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Training Needs
Effective training or development depends on knowing what is required -
for the individual, the department and the organisation as a whole. With
limited budgets and the need for cost-effective solutions, all
organisations need to ensure that the resources invested in training are
targeted at areas where training and development is needed and a
positive return on the investment is guaranteed. Effective TNA is
particularly vital in today's changing workplace as new technologies and
flexible working practices are becoming widespread, leading to
corresponding changes in the skills and abilities needed.
Analysing what the training needs are is a vital prerequisite for any
effective training programme or event. Simply throwing training at
individuals may miss priority needs, or even cover areas that are not
essential. TNA enables organisations to channel resources into the
areas where they will contribute the most to employee development,
enhancing morale and organisational performance. TNA is a natural
function of appraisal systems and is key requirement for the award of
Investors in People.
The analysis of training needs is not a task for specialists alone.
Managers today are often responsible for many forms of people
management, including the training and development of their team, and
should therefore have an understanding of training needs analysis and
be able to implement it successfully.
Effective TNA involves systematic planning, analysis and coordination
across the organisation, to ensure that organisational priorities are
taken into account, that duplication of effort is avoided and economies
of scale are achieved. All potential trainees should be included in the
process, rather than rely on the subjective evaluation of managers.
Ideally, managers should also receive training in the process of TNA
itself, to clarify what they are trying to achieve and what their approach
should be.
National Occupational Standards for Management and
This checklist has relevance to the following standards:
D: Working with people, unit 7
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Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. | Albert Einstein