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Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC (BSA) Paid Parental Leave Policy
In order to assist and support new parents through its leave policies and to assist with balancing work
and family matters, BSA is providing Paid Parental Leave. This Policy provides eligible employees
with a period of paid time off for activities related to the care and well-being of their newborn or
adopted child. This Policy is only applicable to care for children born or adopted on or after December
1, 2016.
Eligible Parent is the birth parent, same-sex domestic partner, or new adoptive parent of a
child. An individual who adopts a spouse’s or partner's child(ren) is not eligible for this benefit.
Primary Caregiver - A primary caregiver is defined as an Eligible Parent who has primary
responsibility for the care of a child following birth or adoption. Note: If both parents work for
BSA, then only one parent can be designated as a primary caregiver.
Secondary Caregiver A secondary caregiver is defined as an Eligible Parent, other than the
Primary Caregiver, who has secondary responsibility for the care of a child following birth or
adoption. Note: If both parents work for BSA, then only one parent can be designated as a
secondary caregiver.
Who is Eligible for the Paid Parental Leave Policy?
Active Employees
All regular employees of BSA who work at least 20 hours per week and who have been employed for
the 12-month period and completed 1,250 hours immediately prior to the Paid Parental Leave period
are eligible to participate in the Paid Parental Leave Policy.
An employee is a “regular employee” if he/she is classified and treated for federal income tax
purposes by the Employer as a regular full-time or regular part-time employee of the Employer (as
opposed to a temporary, seasonal or casual employee, intern, independent contractor or consultant,
agency worker or leased employee), even if the Employer’s classification is later determined to be
incorrect. Term employees are considered regular employees for the purpose of this benefit.
Ineligible Employees
Any person whose terms of employment are governed by a collective bargaining agreement
whose benefits are the subject of good faith bargaining, unless the collective bargaining
agreement specifies that such individual is eligible to participate in the Paid Parental Leave
Under this Policy, BSA will provide up to six weeks (up to 240 hours) of Paid Parental Leave at 100%
of actual base salary to the Eligible Parent serving as the Primary Caregiver for the care of a child
following birth (or adoption of a child up to age 18) and up to 1 week (up to 40 hours) of Paid Parental

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