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Application for Internal Transfer
Eligibility and Application Deadlines
For the latest information on transfer eligibility and
application deadlines visit:
Submit your application in person or by mail, email or fax to
Melbourne Business School
Level 4, 198 Berkeley Street
The University of Melbourne
Victoria, Australia 3010
Telephone: (+61 3) 8344 1670
Privacy Statement
The University of Melbourne's privacy policy with regards to student information can be viewed at:
1. Personal details
2. Contact details
Preferred Contact Address (within Australia):
Other contact details:
Home phone:
Work phone:
Mobile phone:
Title: Mr Miss Ms Mrs Other
Family name:
Given names:
Please circle
Student Number:
Local Student International Student
5. Reason for transfer
If you are applying for entry to the Master of Enterprise or the
Master of Supply Chain Management you must provide a CV
outlining details of your education and work experience and a
work reference letter as evidence of having met the minimum
entrance requirements;
Before a work reference letter can be accepted, it must:
Be presented on official company letterhead
Be dated and signed by a superior within your company
Clearly state the length of employment preferably
outline commencement date and, if applicable,
termination date.
State the mode of employment — i.e. full-time or part-time
(including the number of hours per week if part- time) .
Include information on the specific nature of duties
This form is to be used by local and international students enrolled in a graduate
program offered by Melbourne Business School who wish to transfer to another
program offered by Melbourne Business School.
Students enrolled in a graduate program offered by another Faculty cannot use this form, and are instead required to apply
for admission online via
4. I wish to transfer to:
Name of the degree/ program you are applying to transfer to:
3. I am currently enrolled in:
Name of the degree/ program you are enrolled in:
Duration, full-time equivalent (e.g. 1.5 years, 2 years)
Duration, full-time equivalent (e.g. 1.5 years, 2 years)
6. Employment experience
Type of visa (International students only):

To succeed… You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. | Tony Dorsett