HTML Preview Conference Call Agenda page number 1.

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Friday, November 4, 2016 @
10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time
Florida Department of Juvenile Justice
Knight Building
2737 Centerview Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3100
For conference attendance by telephone
Call #1-888-670-3525 and enter Participant Code 9491404769# when directed
This Vendor Conference Call is being held for RFI #10456 The Department’s Office of
Probation and Community Intervention seeks information about the availability of
Providers who are willing and able to provide daily operations management and tracking
of Department youth on GPS/EM (Global Positioning Satellite/Electronic Monitoring) by
court order. GPS/EM Operations Tracking Services to be provided include the
oversight and responsibility of all daily operations of the Department’s GPS/EM
program, to include, but not be limited to, installation of devices, programming of youth
information into software, daily review of reports, prompt response to system alerts,
follow-up contacts with youth and other daily operations tasks necessary to ensure
optimum performance of the Department’s GPS/EM program and ensure the safety and
security of the public and youth on GPS/EM. Any information solicited and acquired by
this RFI may be used to develop future specifications.
1. Introductions
Charlotte Shorter-Rumlin, Procurement Manager
2. Review of Pre-Conference Questions Submitted
Charlotte Shorter-Rumlin, Procurement Manager
Office of Probation and Community Intervention Program Area Staff
3. Opportunity for Any Questions/Discussion from Prospective
All verbal questions discussed during the Vendor Conference must be
submitted in writing for an official Department response. Additional questions
for submission after this conference is concluded must be submitted in writing
to the Procurement Manager identified in the RFI by 5:00 p.m., Thursday,
November 10, 2016.
4. Questions from Department staff to current Respondents

I don’t pay good wages because I have a lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages. | Robert Bosch