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Registrar Data Escrow Agreement
This Registrar Data Escrow Agreement (“Agreement”) among _____________ (“Registrar”),
a(n) _____________, Iron Mountain Intellectual Property Management, Inc., a Delaware
corporation (“Escrow Agent”), and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a
California nonprofit public benefit corporation (“ICANN”) is effective on this ___ day of
_________, ______ (the “Effective Date”).
1. Background.
1.1 ICANN is charged with oversight of the security and stability of the Internet’s
domain name system. As a function of this responsibility, ICANN accredits domain name
registrars who facilitate the registration of Internet domain names. Registrar, within its Registrar
Accreditation Agreement (“RAA”) with ICANN, has agreed to deposit with ICANN, or a
designated agent, certain enumerated registration records pursuant to a schedule, format, and
terms specified by ICANN and incorporated in the RAA. Upon expiration without renewal or
termination of Registrar’s RAA, the deposited registration records may be utilized by ICANN to
provide transitional registrar services prior to transferring management of the domain name
registrations to another registrar.
1.2 As established in the RAA and described herein, Registrar will send to Escrow
Agent domain name registration records for each registered domain name with a generic top-
level domain ("gTLD") under Registrar's sponsorship, in accordance with the RDE
Specifications, as may be amended by ICANN from time to time.
1.3 Escrow Agent will receive, verify, and store Registrar's deposited data and release
such data upon the conditions and under the circumstances set out in this Agreement, in
accordance with the RDE Specifications, as they may be amended by ICANN from time to time.
1.4 ICANN will be responsible for and pay Escrow Agent’s fees for services under
each RDE Agreement as set forth in the Master Registrar Data Escrow Service Agreement dated
________, 2007, as may be amended from time to time.
The parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby, agree as follows:
2. Definitions
. Capitalized terms in this Agreement shall have the meanings ascribed to
them in this Section 2 unless otherwise defined.
2.1 "Section" refers to any numbered paragraph, section, or subsection of this
Agreement unless otherwise specified.
2.2 The "RDE Specifications" are the schedule, format, and terms specified by
ICANN, applicable to Registrar's data escrow requirements under the RAA, as it may be
amended or modified by ICANN from time to time, and incorporated in the RAA. Registrar and
Escrow Agent will be notified of any amendment or modification of the RDE Specifications by
email to Registrar and Escrow Agent at the electronic mail address provided for in Section 11
and by posting the most current version of the RDE Specifications on ICANN's website.

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