HTML Preview High School Lesson Plan page number 1.

Texas State University Mr. Robert Perez
LESSON PLAN TOPIC: Pythagorean Theorem and the Formula for
Finding the Distance Between Two Points in a Cartesian Plane
TITLE: Exploring the Distance Formula for the Cartesian Plane
AUTHOR INFO: Robert Perez, Texas High School Teacher
TOPIC CONTENT: Review of Pythagorean theorem.
Derivation of distance formula from Pythagorean theorem.
Applying distance formula to solve real-world problems.
TEXAS STANDARDS (TEKS): 8.9(A), A3(B), A1(D), A3(A), A6(A)
NCTM STANDARDS: Problem Solving, Communication, Connections,
Representation, Reasoning and Proof
OBJECTIVES: Review of Pythagorean Theorem, Derivation of
Distance Formula, Application of Distance Formula.
ASSESSMENT: (formative and summative): The assessment of the
lesson is two-fold. The first (informal) comes from the observation
of the interaction of the students as they discuss their approaches
to solving the problems. The second (formal) comes from the actual
problems that they create, and their solution of those problems.

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