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Attendance Note
To be used for Absence, Early Departure or Late Arrival
Today’s Date _______________________
Student’s name _____________________________________ Student ID # __________________
Date(s) classes were missed ________________________________Grade_______________________
- Late arrival (time arrived) _______________________________________________________
- Early Departure (time departing)__________________________________________________
Reason: ___________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian signature ____________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Printed name _________________________________________________________
Daytime phone number ____________________________________________
Tardiness. Unexcused absence and Loss of Credit:
- 3 unexcused tardies equal one unexcused absence.
- 5 unexcused absences can result in loss of credit
Early Departures:
Student must have a note from parent/guardian stating reason and time of departure.
Student must take the note to the attendance office in the morning, prior to leaving.
Student must sign out.
Full Day absences:
When student returns to school from an all day absence, s/he must bring a note to the
attendance office within 3 school days.
MCPS Excused Absences:
1. Death in family 6. Observance of religious holiday
2. Illness of student (doctor’s note required 7. State emergency
after 5 days) 8. Authorized activity approved in advance
3. Court summons (proof required) 9. Violent/hazardous weather
4. Medical appointments 10. Lack of MCPS transportation
5. Suspension
Vacations are NOT excused absences.

I don’t pay good wages because I have a lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages. | Robert Bosch