The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures to close, cancel classes or cease portions of
the university’s operations due to hazardous weather conditions and provide continuity of
essential operations during inclement weather
Policy Statement
The University of Mary recognizes that adverse weather conditions can impact university
operations. While every attempt is made to maintain normal operations and services for the
benefit of students, faculty, and employees, it may occasionally be necessary to close the
university when extreme weather conditions occur.
The university does not advise employees to take unwarranted risks when traveling to work in
the event of inclement weather or other emergencies. Each person should exercise his/her
best judgment with regard to road conditions and other safety concerns. Therefore, no
employee should come to work if the conditions he/she is facing are felt to be unsafe.
1. Closing Decisions
Main Campus
A. The vice president for academic affairs, in consultation with the vice president for
financial affairs, is authorized to make the decision to close the university and cancel
classes, delay opening or close early due to inclement weather. Deans/chairs,
department heads, directors, supervisors are not authorized to make closing
decisions in their areas of responsibility.
B. When hazardous weather conditions occur outside of regular business hours, a
decision to close or delay opening the University will be made at the earliest
possible time, preferably by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the inclement weather event.
Closing decisions for the next workday may also be announced during evening hours
when hazardous weather conditions warrant. The director of physical plant and the
vice president for financial affairs will provide updates regarding conditions of
campus roads and parking lots.
C. When hazardous weather conditions occur during regular business hours, a decision
to close early and cancel classes will be made at the earliest possible time. A closing
decision which affects evening classes should be made by 2:00 p.m. The director of