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7 Marketing and fundraising
7.1 The Marketing process
Marketing is the process of matching up a product or service with the people who want
to purchase or participate in it. Marketing is also a planned approach to "sell" your
product or service. All clubs have a product or service to ‘sell’, whether it is a sport they
want people to participate in, an experience of being part of a lifesaving club or an event
they want people to attend.
Marketing encompasses a whole range of factors and is the basis behind increasing and
retaining members, recruiting volunteers and attracting sponsors, all of whom can be
categorised as customers.
Remember, marketing is about establishing who your customers are, what their needs
are and determining how you can satisfy their needs.
There are a number of marketing rules. You will find these rules throughout this section of the
Rule No.1 You must be able to identify the market needs. If there is no need there is
no interest.
It is through the club's overall plan that it tries to attract sponsors, attract and retain members,
develop strategies for member development, educate volunteers, educate the general public, convince
local government of its worth and indicate to the members where the club is going in the future.
Through a marketing plan the elements of membership, fundraising, sponsorship, public image and
volunteer recruitment are addressed. It is the needs of these markets you are looking to satisfy. In
return you achieve your objectives in these areas.

The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer. | Unknown