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Scientific Paper Outline
All in present tense, except for methods sentences, which are in past tense.
Do NOT use 1
person. The experiment should always be the subject of your sentences,
NOT yourselves! (For example, do NOT say, “We burned peanuts.” Instead say, “Peanuts
were burned.)
Required Length: 7 – 10 pages
12 point font –Arial or Times New Roman only.
Line Spacing: 1.5 (go to Format and Paragraph to change line spacing)
Abstract will be centered on top of the page.
Double Column format for the rest of the paper (Introduction to Conclusion) Go to
Format, Columns, and choose 2 columns
Results Tables, Graphs, and Pictures do not need to be in columns.
Always must be word-processed.
Number your pages – Number should appear along bottom center of page
Cover page: Include your name, date, class, teacher, and period somewhere on your cover.
Order and Subject of Paragraphs:
I. Abstract: (Include this title in your paper and center it!) ~ 1 paragraph
An abstract is a
one paragraph (6-8 sentences)
summary of your entire project. You must
use the IMRaC format for writing an abstract. In other words, you use one to two
sentences to describe each of the following main points about the experiment (not about
the classroom procedures) in your one-paragraph abstract:
I= Introduction (purpose)
M= Methods (simple overview of procedure)
R= Results (numerical data)
C= Conclusion (interpretation of data)
II. Introduction: (Include this title in your paper)~2-3 pages
Introduce the lab and purpose of the lab. Explain the significance or importance of the
additional research
to provide some background information about the scientific
concepts involved in the lab. This research must be cited in-text and a works cited page
provided at the end of the paper.

To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult. | Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth