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H. Sayer
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Graduate Research Assistant, University of Texas at Austin, School of Urban and Public Affairs, Austin, TX, 2005
to 2007
Performed research and academic work advancing the understanding of public management reform in developing
countries, human resources capacity building, aviation infrastructure development management, and economic
development in Latin America and Caribbean countries.
Participated in the instruction, advising and evaluation of graduate students.
Graduate Doctoral
Theories of Urban Society Theory of Political Control of the Bureaucracy
Development Administration in Developing Countries Theories of Public Management
Public Personnel Management & Labor Relations Introduction to Public Administration
Organizational Behavior: Understanding Human
Behavior in Organizations
Public Administration Theory
Human Resources Management and Labor Relations in
the Public Sector
Comparative Administration & Policy
Introduction to Public Administration Organizational Behavior
Introduction to Public Management
Research interests are directed primarily toward pedagogical research in a variety of interrelated areas:
Aviation infrastructure and human resources development management in developing small nations.
Transition of airports and other agencies from government to private enterprises.
Other areas of interest include:
Economic development in Latin American and Caribbean countries.
Human resources capacity building in developing countries.
Interviewer, School of Urban and Public Affairs, evaluating prospective assistant professors, 2005 to 2007
Discussant, International Symposium, “Issues in Transformational Governance: Legal & Public Service Reform.
Infrastructure and Development, Environment and Gender,” University of Texas at Arlington, December, 2005
Papers and Presentations
Dr. Alejandro Rodriguez and Sayer, Howard “Cultural Differences: A Cross-Cultural Study of Urban Planners
from Japan, Mexico, United States, Serbia-Montenegro, Russia, and South Korea,” under review by the Journal of
American Planning Association.
Resume Contributed for Sample Purposes Only
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You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong. | Warren Buffett