ACDP 2016 Physiology Leadership Retreat Agenda
Association of Chairs of Departments of Physiology
Physiology Programs Leadership Retreat Agenda
RIU Palace Cabo San Lucas Resort
Los Cabos, Mexico
December 8 – 11, 2016
Arrivals, tours, leisure on your own
ACDP Council Meeting (NOTE: for ACDP officers only) (Pacifico)
New Chairs Orientation with ACDP Presidents (Pacifico)
Reception* (Garden Terrace)
Distinguished Service Award Lecture
“My Journey as an Integrative Physiologist”
Susan Barman, Ph.D., Michigan State University
Welcome and Introductions (Pacifico)
New Chair Lecture
Christopher Waters, Ph.D., University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Business meeting I
Financial report, CFAS report, nominations of officers
Workshop 1: Animal Issues in Research Reproducibility
(Gaylen Edwards)
ACDP Council meeting (NOTE: for ACDP officers only) (Pacifico)
Workshop 2: Creating Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for
Undergraduate Physiology Education (Erica Wehrwein)
Workshop 3: Fundamental Concepts for Undergraduate Physiology
(Richard Nichols/Dixon Woodbury)
*ACDP-registered attendees and ACDP-registered guests only.