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Follow-Up Letter After Submitting a CV – Template & Samples
The Big Misunderstanding
Average applicants misunderstand this follow-up approach. They think, "I don't want to
bother the interviewer they must be too busy." WRONG thinking! Some companies
purposely wait one to three weeks to make job offers. They observe who follows up and
how many times and who does not (especially in sales jobs). That is actually the real
interviewing part. Average applicants don't do this. Top paid sales pros know the big
sales (and jobs) are achieved in the follow-up.
If you don't hear back from within two weeks, it may be beneficial to follow-up.
Employers and recruiters may prefer follow-up by email. If no email address is listed, try
sending a note or calling. If neither email, address or a phone number are listed, or the
posting says not to contact the employer, follow the instructions and don't follow up.
What to Ask
What are the next steps in the recruiting process? Will all candidates be contacted?
Do you need any additional information about my candidacy? (Or briefly share new info
that adds to your candidacy.)
If you plan to visit the company’s location, mention the timeframe and your eagerness
to meet – ask if it’s possible to arrange an interview during your visit.
Remember that your work is not done once you finish the interview. You can't sit back
and wait for the
job offer, so consider these key rules and strategies for following-up
your job interviews.
Do ask at the end of the interview when the employer expects to make the hiring
Do be proactive and consider follow-up a strategic part of your job search
process. Follow-up can give you just the edge you need to get the job offer over
others who interviewed for the position.
Do use these follow-up techniques to continue to show your enthusiasm and
desire for the position, but don't make it seem as though you are desperate.
Do obtain the correct titles and names of all the people who interviewed you.
(Ideally, do get each person's business card.)
Do write individual thank you notes or letters to each person who interviewed
you -- within two business days. Each letter can be essentially the same, but try
to vary each a bit in case recipients compare notes. Don't ever fail to send a
thank you -- even if you are sure the job is not for you. And do write thank you
notes after
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Get busy living or get busy dying. | from the “The Shawshank Redemption”