PerfEval (Rev. 04/2013) Page 1
Employee Evaluation
Name of Employee: ___________________ Date of Review: _____________
Evaluator Name: ______________________
Job Title: _____________________________ Years in Job: ________________
Performance Evaluation Ratings:
5= Outstanding: Performance is extraordinary and exceptional. (Outstanding ratings should
only be awarded on rare occasions.)
4= Exceeds Expectations: Consistently competent performance exceeding normal standards in
all critical factors within position and category.
3 = Meets Expectations: Good solid performance. Performance meets all normal requirements
within position and category in a competent manner. TUC has high standards and expectations
for its employees. As such, to “meet expectations”, an employee is doing the function well.
2= Below Expectations: Areas of needed improvement. Total performance periodically or
regularly falls short of expectations.
1= Unacceptable Performance: Performance is clearly inadequate. Employee has
demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to improve or meet expectations. Performance is
not acceptable for position held within that category. Specific deficiencies are required to be
noted in Section D and/or in a signed and dated attachment by evaluator.