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1. Introduction: On the Traits and Origins of Business Leaders
The importance of corporate leadership is increasingly acknowledged around the world. The
value of corporate leadership increased when some of the most focal top business people do not
life up to what was expected of them. Whereas leader scandals in the past were primarily related
to the kleptocratic and self-enriching behavior of state leaders (in particular in developing
countries), nowadays, excessive executive pay with business leaders has made them the prime
target in the media. This research memorandum reveals the background of Chief Executive
Officers (CEOs) and chairmen of the one hundred largest non-financial core companies (in
revenues) in the period 1990-2002. The memorandum reports on the first results of a CEO dataset
that was created as part of an extended leaders’ profiles database (see general methodology
2. Methodology
Corporate leaders are primarily the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of leading companies. In
this research project, it was chosen to include Fortune 100 companies. These core companies are
not only big in terms of sales/revenues (like Wal-Mart), but also amongst the largest
multinational enterprises (such as General Electric, Toyota, Siemens or Royal Dutch Shell).
Following the six spheres in which leaders can mature and function (state, market, civil society
and three hybrid positions), the career and educational (learning) paths of business leaders were
studied. Besides personal characteristics and family circumstances, the style of the leader can be
supposed to originate in at least three sources: 1) national cultures, 2) educational background
and 3) institutional career path.
The selection of the core companies provided with some spread of national cultures – in
particular across the Triad region. Personal data of leaders like ‘date of birth’ and ‘country born
belong to the ‘national cultures’ background. The educational background of a CEO – together
with family characteristics – shapes the nurture starting-position for a leader. To establish the
level of education for each leaders the following basic characteristics were checked: (1) the
maximum education which was finalised (ranging from no schooling to university), (2) what type
of university degree was earned (bachelor, master or PhD), (3) when appropriate, what type of
study was followed (4) at which university and where (home or abroad). On the basis of the
This document was written by Li An Phoa and Rob van Tulder. It is based on ongoing research after effective
leadership strategies and leadership profiles conducted under the aegis of the SCOPE expert Centre. This part of the
research project has also resulted in the Thesis by Li An entitled: Fora for the Future, Business Leaders visions on
globalization, RSM Erasmus University: MA Thesis

To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart. | Sr. Thomas Watson