Relocation Budget Planner |
Relocation Budget Planner
One of the best ways to minimize the out-of-pocket expenses during your
move is to set up a budget. Budgeting is essential to limiting your expenses
and tracking your benets and entitlements. The Relocation Budget Planner
is one of the tools you can use to keep on track throughout your move. If
you need assistance, contact your Military and Family Support Center or
Military OneSource – http://www.militaryonesource.mil.
Enter your estimated benets and entitlements in the rst column (Benets due
you). Enter your estimated total cost for each item in the middle column (Your
total estimated cost). Calculate the difference between the rst column and
the middle column, and put the number in the third column (Difference). If that
number is negative, you may incur out-of-pocket expenses. Knowing this in
advance can help you reduce your estimated costs and plan for extra expenses.
Keep your Relocation Budget Planner current as estimates change or become
actual costs. This will help you stay on top of your relocation nances. You also
may want to keep track of these costs for tax purposes or reimbursement for a
personally-procured move.
Relocation assistance point of contact
Name ______________________________________________________________
Telephone # _________________________________________________________
Transportation office
Name ______________________________________________________________
Telephone # _________________________________________________________
Housing office point of contact
Name ______________________________________________________________
Telephone # _________________________________________________________