Less Than 12-Month Employees Schedules for FY2017
Monthly-paid Employee Work Schedules
or monthly-paid employees not following the above work schedules, please submit a Leave
of Absence form available at www.princeton.edu/hr/hrforms/leaveofabsence.pdf to
ensure appropriate stop and start dates of pay.
Biweekly-paid Employee Work Schedules
June 11, 2017
June 11, 2017
June 11, 2017
Time Collection System (TCS) Guidelines
the Standard
Managers should contact Brian McGurrin, time collection administrator,
at 8-2093, to adjust the default profile dates for employees who do not
follow the standard work schedule.
the Standard
Managers do not need to do anything. TCS does not generate a time card
during the leave period for employees following the standard work
the Home
During the
When employees work during the leave period within their home
department, they must enter their time which must then be approved by
the departmental pay rep.
During the
When employees work in a secondary department during the leave period,
the secondary department must create a casual task and approve hours