HTML Preview Progress Informal Minutes page number 1.

6th Meeting of the CCM Coordination Committee
Tuesday 27 March
List of attendees :
- Belgium
- Japan
- Portugal
- New Zealand
- Lao PDR
- Ireland
- Spain
- Norway
- Austria
- Bosnia Herzegovina
- Holy See
Agenda Item 1: Welcome and Introduction by the President
The President welcomed the participants and thanked them for the commitment displayed in
steering their respective thematic work and their support to the presidency.
Agenda Item 2: Update by the President
The President first touched upon the open-ended informal consultations and underlined its
usefulness in displaying the different views of States on the different matters discussed and
particularly on President’s mandate to establish an ISU, its financing and the hosting
agreement with the GICHD. She further emphasized the support for the ISU working paper
shown and thanked the coordinators for their contributions to the better.
She then highlighted that a considerable amount of states expressed preference for either a
fully assessed or hybrid financial model, with a number of states having emphasized flexibilty
and five states having expressed a preference for voluntary contribution. She further pointed
to emphasis put on getting the financial model for an ISU right from the start and prior to the
formal set up of an ISU. She informed the coordinators that a working paper on the finacning
of the ISU is being prepared for further discussion in the Coordinaton Committee and
consultations with States Parties.
She then pointed to requests brought forward by states regarding the recruitment process
foreseen, post levels and competencies of future ISU staff, more specific Terms of Reference
and exploring ways of cooperation with other institutions to avoid duplication of tasks and
responsibilities. She informed that these elements are all being considered and welcomed any
further input from the coordinators.
She further thanked the coordinators for attending the informal working level meeting and
reminded the participants to provide input to the detailed provisional programme the next day,
sent letters by coordinators for circulation by the end of the week, make suggestions as to
which states/individual candidates would provide added value to the respective thematic
sessions and thus be approached for sponsorship and finally to direct any side event requests

There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them. | Seth Godin