S:\SocialWork-Administration\Practicum Program\Practicum Forms on the Web #36
Contact Practicum Office staff at any time for questions, information or support
You are the Department’s primary observer of a student’s practicum experience. The Practicum
Office staff and Program Directors understand the pressures inherent in that role and are always
available for information and support.
Always contact the Field Coordinator for the student’s agency immediately to discuss any
difficulties or special circumstances that might arise. Please familiarize yourself with the
Handbook sections material on Remediation and Dismissal.
Please keep the Practicum Office informed of any changes in practicum placement information
(phone numbers, Field Instructors, student hours, etc.)
If you plan to use administrative support in the production of your syllabus, please submit your final
draft at least 2 weeks before the sem
ester begins.
(785) 670-1616 or steve.spy[email protected] Please follow the Master syllabus to strengthen curricular coherence across seminar sections.
Distribute and review Practicum Packets at first class session. It is the student’s responsibility to deliver
materials to their Field Instructor. (See “Practicum Packet Contents” for list of contents.)
Monitor Learning Contract Development
Describe the process and provide guidance as needed, beginning at the first class
Help students understand the positive aspects of continuous evaluation and it’s parallel to similar activities
expected of clients
Set a date for collecting contracts from students and announce to your class. Allow yourself time to review
contracts before submitting to the Practicum Office. Official practicum documents can not be faxed.
Review contracts for completeness and relevance. Return to student for editing as needed.
Sign/date the contract and submit to Director of Practicum’s mailbox no later than Friday of the fourth
week after the semester begins please. Contact the Director if you expect delays. A good learning tool is
more important than a timeline.
Students are responsible for keeping a copy - the Social Work Department does not make copies for
All documents related to a students’ practicum are kept in a secured file cabinet in the Director of
Practicum’s office. The Director will show you how to access the files.
Take the student’s contract with you on site visits. Please leave written notification that you have
removed a file and return it as soon as possible.
Make a direct contact with Field Instructors within the first two weeks of the first semester to check-in
and provide support. Our Department has a strong reputation for personal attention to Field Instructors
and Agencies – please help us maintain it.
Make site visit appointments early (minimum one per semester)
Purpose is to support Field Instructor and student and the early identification of problems
Preferably at a time when student can be present (scheduled supervision time)
Preferably during the first two weeks of October (Fall), the first two weeks of March (Spring) or last
week of June (Summer) - no later than the end of those months, please.
Utilize Mid-Semester Evaluation form as an interview guide. Some Liaisons schedule both semesters
at one time.