PO Box 1673 Callahan, FL 32011 http:///www.linkedin.com/in/sample
Corporate financial executive administers CFO-level operations for firms of all sizes. Analyzes acquisitions, divestitures,
and mergers for profitability and long-term viability. Raises debt funding from traditional banks and asset-based lenders.
Develops plans for raising equity from venture capitalist sources and private individuals. Restructures financial
operations to ensure legal, regulatory, and tax compliance. Savvy with startups and growth-oriented companies in
markets throughout Texas.
Core Knowledge and Skills
Strategic Planning • Financial Analysis • Funding • Venture Capital • Senior and Subordinated Debt Sourcing
• Liquidity Projection • Tax Planning and Compliance • Financial Modeling & Scenario Building
Regulatory Compliance • Recruitment & Retention • Executive Presentation
Independent Consultant 2010–Present
Curtis Consulting Company, Houston, TX
Provided critical financial analysis and forecasting to client firms in a range of industries.
· Cash Flow Analysis: Evaluated a company’s senior debt position on behalf of its senior lender.
· Integration Planning: Analyzed company assuming ownership of two subsidiaries to identify operation’s best
practices. Performed assessments of tax position, regulatory requirements, operations, financing, and other
issues. Presented convincing executive report to equity investors concerning viability of this investment.
· Business Planning: Created foundation of business plan for Internet startup in conjunction with owners,
including five-year plan for financing requirements. Resulted in creation of a PowerPoint deck owners used to
secure $5 million in first-round funding.
· Business Planning: Structured plan for professional services firm assessing potential for amicably splitting
business into two companies. Assessed impact on contracts with current and future customers as well as cash
flow and expenses. Executives decided to keep company intact based on projections.
Senior Vice President, Corporate Development 2004–2010
Media Masters, Rosenberg, TX
Provided critical financial strategy on purchase, sale, and financing of large income-producing purchases in San Antonio,
Austin, Waco, Dallas, Laredo, and Rio Grande Valley markets. Evaluated liquidity, effects on financial status of company,
tax, and regulatory implications of each transaction. Provided due diligence for approximately 30 major transactions
ranging up to $40 million in value. Oversaw all regulatory filings, legal matters and litigation, long-range planning, and
investor communications.
· Equity Sourcing: Built models, negotiated structure, and made executive recommendations to acquire $100
million from venture capitalist groups.
· Debt Sourcing: Formed the basis for raising initial round of $30 million in senior debt, quickly followed by
another $110 million in nine months of negotiations with lenders.
· Exit Strategy Design and Execution: Designed and implemented workable exit strategy including debt
repayment for this cash-flow-positive company. Upon market downturn in 2008, advertising programs
universally decreased significantly, critically wounding the company’s viability but maintaining cash flow. Bank
agreed to refrain from foreclosure if management agreed to remain for two years. Resulted in equity owners
receiving a percentage of their ownership and 300 employees’ ability to continue to work (headcount managed
through attrition).
· Built hundreds of models and scenarios in Excel with excellent, if conservative, predictive value.
· Completed all facility covenant reporting.
· Planned taxes and compliance (federal and state).
· Restructured company balance sheet to convert subordinated debt to equity.