HTML Preview Department Transfer Letter Format page number 1.

Complete this form to apply for a transfer to another social housing property. Your application will be assessed
against the department’s transfer eligibility criteria.
Rental Agreement details
Rental Agreement No.
(Public Housing tenants only)
Current address
The property you currently live in is (tick one):
Managed by Housing Services Managed by a Community Housing provider
Note: If you currently reside in Community Housing your housing provider will attempt to find suitable
alternative housing for you. If unsuccessful your housing provider will help you send your transfer application to
the department for lodging on the Housing Register.
What type of housing do you wish to transfer to?
Senior’s units
(You must be single or a couple,
at least one aged 55 or older,
with no children)
General housing
(houses, apartments etc.
This housing type is available
to tenants of any age)
Household details (These details are needed to confirm your current eligibility for housing assistance)
All household members
(incl. legal tenants and children)
Relationship to tenant
(e.g. wife, son, friend etc)
Date of
Income type
(eg wages)
Weekly income $
Please supply evidence of all household income
Property ownership - do you or any household member own or part own:
a residential property or
Yes No
vacant land
Yes No
a caravan or mobile home or live-aboard boat
Yes No
commercial / industrial property
Yes No
Australian citizenship or residency (please tick () appropriate boxes)
are you an Australian citizen/s or
Yes No
are you a permanent resident/s of Australia or
Yes No
are you a New Zealand citizen who arrived in Australia before 27 Feb 2001 or
Yes No
do you hold a Temporary Protection Visa (TPV) or
Yes No
do you hold a Bridging Visa and have applied for a Resolution of Status Visa or
Yes No
do you hold a Bridging Visa and have applied for a permanent Protection Visa or
Yes No
Liquid assets
Please state the total household value of the following assets and provide appropriate evidence.
Superannuation (if you have reached preservation age)
Balance of bank account (e.g. bank, building society, credit union, interest free accounts)
Deposits (interest bearing, fixed)
Share from a property settlement
Share from the sale of a property
Application for transfer
Department of Housing and Public Works PH061 (14/10/2015)

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