Wedding Week Timeline
Don’t look now...but the wedding is upon you! Aer months and months of planning, you’re headed into
the last week, and your “to-do” list has outgrown your smart phone’s memory. Based on many years’ expe-
rience helping brides, MOBs (mothers-of-the-bride) and assorted others create exceponal weddings,
we’ve put together a sample of what that last week might look like. We chose to base this sample on a
wedding at which the bridal party is spending the night before and the night of the wedding at a hotel, and
the ceremony and recepon are at two dierent locaons on a Saturday night.
Each wedding is unique, of course, so each wedding meline will be unique. Thinking about all these details
in advance and wring them down in your own meline, however, will ensure that the week of the big
event goes as smoothly as possible for everyone involved. Once your meline is nalized, print it out to give
both families and the bridal party members, as well as the vendors who will supply your wedding needs.
Make a list of Important cell phone numbers for the day of the wedding itself as part of your meline
planning. It is always important for your vendors and key members of the bridal party to have everyone’s
phone number. This way, instead of everyone calling you, they can call the correct person directly on the
big day. Include on your list of numbers those of the bride and groom, as well as the those of the wedding
coordinator, the catering contact, the transportaon and site coordinators, the bakery providing the cake,
the photographer and/or videographer, the DJ and/or other musicians, the orist, the minister or whoever
is performing the ceremony, etc.
Do you need to make any grooming appointments? Do you need to take anything to the coordinator, cater-
er, and/or baker? Do you need to pack for your honeymoon or nd your passport? Do you have the mar-
riage cercate? How will the photographer get from the hotel to the ceremony to the recepon? Have
you given a copy of the nalized list of pictures to be taken before/aer the ceremony to the photographer
and to both families? Do you need a nal check-in with the person performing the ceremony?
Do you need to clean out your car? Do you have other appointments scheduled for today? Have you con-
rmed your appointments for later in the week? Does everyone involved know the me and place of the
rehearsal as well as of any other events for the wedding weekend?
Do you have cash to p everyone? Do you have nal payment checks wrien and placed in envelopes ad-
dressed for each vendor? Have you packed for the night before and the night of the wedding? Have you
Resources For Planning Your Wedding
One of a series of Resources from High Point Events
to help you plan an exceponal wedding
© Copyright 2013 by High Point Events, Clarksburg, MD www.highpointevents.com www.pinterest.com/hpeventsmd
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