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Sustainability Action Plan
The following sample plan shows action steps you can take during the first year. We
recommend you do at least a 12-months plan and preferable a 3-year plan.
Plan Component/Method Action Steps
Develop Vision, Mission, Case
for Support
Create internal staff team to guide planning
Discuss with staff and community members
why this program is needed, who will
benefit, why your organization is the best
organization to undertake it.
Identify and talk with other community
leaders who might share common or similar
Months 1-3
Develop Goals and Objectives
Develop a logic model to clarify
sustainability goals, create specific program
objectives, and identify measures to track
progress and outcomes.
Months 1-3
Research and identify potential
Identify priorities such as community
engagement, strategic communication,
leadership development, governance and
Solicit ideas from other agencies, schools,
and faith communities who might share
interests with your program.
Talk to local businesses about how your
program can benefit their interests.
Months 1-3
Initiate relationship with
potential stakeholders
Schedule community/partner meetings.
Select team of helpful community members,
agency representatives, and business
people to act as advisory committee.
Formulate meeting agenda.
Prepare invitations and ask folks who
recommended individuals for your
committee to invite them personally.
Prepare written materials for participants
outlining the program’s purpose and vision.
Language should match community
interests garnered from earlier research and
interviews with community members.
Month 4
Analyze Program Cost
Clarify financing for services and outcomes.
Map current spending and analyze funding
With staff and advisory committee, develop
financing strategies, evaluate options, and
develop recommendations.
Month 4
Continue to cultivate
stakeholders and create buy in
Hold meetings. Include shared vision
exercise to get input and expand vision to
more stakeholders.
Invite press to cover a meeting, highlight
participants and outcomes.
Month 5

There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them. | Seth Godin