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Brandeis University Student Roommate Contract:
The Off-Campus Housing Office recommends completing this roommate contract
anytime a new agreement is signed or renewed. This contract is designed to give students
the opportunity to establish some basic guidelines about the details of living
arrangements. Students are encouraged to sit down and discuss each section, while
remaining as truthful as possible.
We have signed a lease/rental agreement for____________________________________
(address of unit to be rented) on ___________________________ (Date of agreement to
begin). We hope to make certain that all roommates will share all responsibilities of
renting equally. Therefore, we have prepared and are willing to sign this document.
This agreement shall remain in effect
If for any reason a roommate should move out before the date shown, under the
lease/rental agreement, the departing roommate will be held responsible until a
replacement is found. If a substitute roommate is found, the remaining roommate(s) must
approve him/her. The departing roommate should notify the landlord as well as the other
roommate’s within 30 days so proper arrangements can be made. The roommate who is
leaving is still obligated to the landlord by the terms of the lease and is responsible to find
a new roommate to be responsible for the duration of the lease/rental agreement.
Roommates Names:
Rent amount for the apartment is_____________________________________
Date when rent is due_________________________________________
The roommates have a security deposit of $__________each, totaling $___________.
Each roommate is responsible for their share of the charges associated with damages.
Gas Bill_________________________________________________________________
Hot Water_______________________________________________________________
Other Utilities that may apply________________________________________________

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