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Scholarship Essay Outline
I. Introduction - Who are you?
a. Name________________________________________________________________________
b. What city were you born in? ______________________________________________________
c. What high school do you attend? __________________________________________________
d. What extracurricular activities do you participate in?__________________________________
e. Do you have any leadership roles? _________________________________________________
II. Obstacle(s)
a. Have you had a significant challenge in your life? (Ex. first generation student, single parent
household, language barriers, etc.)_________________________________________________________
b. How did you overcome these challenges? ____________________________________________
III. Educational and Career Goals
a. What are your current educational goal(s)?___________________________________________
b. What college or university do you plan to attend?______________________________________
c. What fields of study are you interested in? ___________________________________________
d. Why did you choose this field? _____________________________________________________
e. What are your long-term career goal(s)? _____________________________________________

Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable. | Coco Chanel