HTML Preview Trifold Domestic Violence Brochure page number 1.

All groups and individual sessions for
Lee Carlson Center’s Domestic Abuse
program meet at the Blaine Human
Service Building
1201 89th Ave. NE, Suite 375
Blaine, MN 55434
Our Mission
To provide therapeutic intervention,
psycho educational support and
prevention services to families and
individuals in our community a ected
by domestic violence.
Lee Carlson Center
Womens Anger
Management Group
The 12-week womens anger management group is an
extension of the domestic abuse program.
Participants learn:
Anger regulation by learning how to manage stress
• E ective communication skills
• How to recognize the warning signs of an
abusive relationship
How to develop skills for setting appropriate
boundaries with others
These strategies are helpful in several areas, including
parenting and relationships at work.
Intake sessions are required. To learn more or to
schedule an intake, contact our main number at
(763) 783-4914.
More about Lee Carlson Center:
The family-focused domestic abuse program is one of
the many programs o ered by Lee Carlson Center for
Mental Health & Well-Being.
For over 30 years, Lee Carlson Center for Mental Health
& Well-Being has been a beacon of hope for youth and
families coping with emotional and behavioral issues.
As the primary provider of mental health services
in Anoka County, were proud to help over 4,000
individuals and families every year.
As a charitable organization, we’re grateful for  nancial
support, in-kind donations of products and services and
the gift of volunteer time.
To learn more about our many programs and services,
or how to become a donor or volunteer, visit www.
Most insurance plans are accepted.
If you are a resident of Anoka County
without insurance, a sliding scale fee
payment plan is available.
Visit to learn more.
View our 2013 wish list online.
(763) 783-4914

One finds limits by pushing them. | Herbert Simon