HTML Preview Transport Receipt Format page number 1.

Prospect Name:_________________________________________ Sport:_____________________________
Home Address:___________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code:______________________________________________________________________
High School or Jr. College:__________________________________________________________________
Date and Time of Arrival:_____________________ Date and Time of Departure:_____________________
Recruiting Coach____________________________
From:_________________________ To:___________________________=______________Miles
From:_________________________ To:___________________________=______________Miles
Total Miles Traveled:_____________ *Rate: $__________= $___________________________
Other Ground Transportation (Cab/Transp. from airport):$________________
Other Reimbursable Transportation: $______________Type:____________________________
(Airplane ticket, bus ticket, etc.)
Prospect’s Signature
By signing, I am confirming the above rate totals for the transportation described above are correct.
Coach’s Signature
Virginia Tech
Athletics Compliance Office
Transportation Receipt Form
This form must be completed and submitted at the completion of the official visit regardless if the prospective student-
athlete received expenses. If expenses were received by the prospect, the prospect must sign. If expenses were not
received, then only the coach needs to sign.
Check this box if coach reimbursed prospect directly with cash. - General Regulations
A member institution may pay the prospective student-athlete's actual round-trip transportation costs for his or her official visit to its
campus from any location, provided the prospective student-athlete returns to the original point of departure, or if return transporta-
tion is provided to the prospective student-athlete's home, educational institution or site of competition, the cost does not exceed
round-trip expenses from the prospective student-athlete's original point of departure. Use of a limousine or helicopter for such trans-
portation is prohibited - Automobile Transportation
If a prospective student-athlete travels by automobile on an official paid visit, the institution may pay round-trip expenses to the indi-
vidual incurring the expense (except the prospective student-athlete's coach as set forth in Bylaw at the same mileage rate it
allows its own personnel. Any automobile may be used by the prospective student-athlete, provided the automobile is not owned or
operated or its use arranged by the institution or any representative of its athletics interests.

Look well to this day. Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day. | Francis Gray