Adapted from The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems, Hogg & Blau. Created by www.noobmommy.com
3-Hour E.A.S.Y (≃ 6 wks - 4 months)
3-Hour E.A.S.Y (≃ 6 wks - 4 months)
3-Hour E.A.S.Y (≃ 6 wks - 4 months)
*Cluster feed at 7 & 9 if going through a growth spurt
*Cluster feed at 7 & 9 if going through a growth spurt
(Don’t continue cluster feeding past 8 weeks)
(Don’t continue cluster feeding past 8 weeks)
**Dream feed up to 7 months (optional).
**Dream feed up to 7 months (optional).
*Cluster feed at 7 & 9 if going through a growth spurt
(Don’t continue cluster feeding past 8 weeks)
**Dream feed up to 7 months (optional).
4-Hour E.A.S.Y (≃ 4-6 months)
4-Hour E.A.S.Y (≃ 4-6 months)
4-Hour E.A.S.Y (≃ 4-6 months)
*Cluster feed at 7 & 9 only if going through a
*Cluster feed at 7 & 9 only if going through a
**Dream feed up to 7 months (optional).
**Dream feed up to 7 months (optional).
*Cluster feed at 7 & 9 only if going through a
**Dream feed up to 7 months (optional).
**Dream feed up to 7 months (optional).
**Dream feed up to 7 months (optional).
**Dream feed up to 7 months (optional).
6 Months & Beyond Schedule
6 Months & Beyond Schedule
9 MOS. & BEYOND: Baby should be able to go
5 hours between feeds. He’ll be eating 3 meals a
day w/2 snacks. After 1yr, + will most likely drop to
just 1 big afternoon nap.