Grant Budget_71812.docx
Grant Budget
The blank budget template below lists the typical items that a grant will support, depending on the
project objectives, allowable costs, and any restrictions from the funding agency or Valencia. A
more descriptive definition is provided in the box beneath the listed items. RDO staff will assist
with providing budget details and calculations based upon the needs identified in the project. This
blank budget template illustrates a three-year grant budget, although grant periods can vary greatly
and project originators should edit the template to serve their project’s needs. Internal Valencia
budgets are converted into an Excel spreadsheet during proposal development, while each funding
agency typically requires applicants to use their specific budget template, which RDO staff will
Personnel needed to complete the
project activities. These usually include
project directors, staff assistants,
release time or stipends for faculty.
RDO staff utilize Valencia’s salary
schedule to determine exact personnel
costs, while project originators indicate
anticipated manpower needed.
Personnel costs must comply with
regulations regarding supplanting.
Mandatory employee benefits or
coverage required for employment and
calculated by RDO staff utilizing
Valencia guidelines and rates.
Travel needed to complete the project,
which typically includes a project
director’s meeting mandated in the
Request for Proposals (RFP), as well as
can include conference attendance, in-
district or in-state travel, and other
project specific travel. RDO staff can
assist with likely costs for travel, and
College-approved rates.