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Teachers’ Perceptions of the Use of Monthly
DVD Classroom Newsletter
Claudia Sanchez, Associate Professor, Texas Woman’s University
Bridget A. Walsh, Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Reno
The purpose of this study was to examine teachers’ experiences with using monthly DVD
classroom newsletters.
The Article
The authors explain how family involvement is an important contributing factor to the overall
academic success of students. Various forms of technology can improve instruction and
learning as well. Monthly DVD classroom newsletters were used as the technology mode in
this study. The teachers teamed with University partners to create the newsletters. This
involved a planning phase and a production phase. The teachers need to have some
technological skills or a willingness to learn them to participate in co-creating DVD
newsletters. The goal was to assess teachers’ experiences using the newsletter. Three pre-
kindergarten teachers participated in the study. A pre-survey and post-survey were given to
the teachers, in addition to their interview participation. The results indicated the teachers
were positive and supportive of using this form of communication with parents. The
teachers also thought the approach was useful and would consider further implementation.
The newsletter proved to be perceived as an effective form of communication between
teachers and parents, especially for parents who had low literacy skills.
What This Means for the Field
DVD newsletters are an innovative technological approach to enhance parent involvement.
Teachers had positive experiences with DVD newsletters and are supportive of the method,
as the newsletters yielded positive parent feedback. Proper funding for equipment and
support for teachers will be necessary to promote this form of communication between
school and home.
Sanchez, C., & Walsh, B.A. (2010). Teachers’ perceptions of the use of monthly DVD classroom
newsletter. International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 6(2), 157-171.
Bridget Walsh, Ph.D.: 775-784-7007; or visit

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